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Week 19


Hi everyone!

A new week has passed by again and it was again a great one!

Last Sunday, like I already mentioned in last weekblog, I met two of my Belgian friends who were in the city. We enjoyed a waffle from 'Waffles and Dinges' and talked for hours. We also did some shopping, I showed them my residence (where we had a little photoshoot on the roof :) and we had dinner in the American diner in my street 'Tick Tock'. We had a really fun time and I was happy to see them here, at the other side of the world :)

On Monday, it was the start of a new workweek! On Monday, the weather was still very good and we enjoyed our lunch on the rooftop. Debby, a new intern (that's gonna replace me, to say it in a very dramatic way haha) arrived and I explained her all the different things I did these past months at HICKIES. In the evening, Mayté and I went to the New York Times building, where some other Belgian girls do their internship. We met them and attended a little event for Belgians. We had a drink and enjoyed the pretty view you have over the city from there :) After, we had dinner at our residence. On Tuesday, it was also a good day and me and two other colleagues had a froyo (aka frozen yoghurt) after lunch, mjummie :) In the evening, we had dinner in the garden of our residence and we went to the movies, watching 'I feel pretty', a movie with Amy Schumer. It was a very funny movie :) On Wednesday, it was a normal workday and we all enjoyed a relaxing evening, which can also be so nice. On Thursday, I facetimed my family who were having a family party and I really enjoyed to see everyone's face :) After work, we went to the mexican bar 'Calico' again and had some (only $5) margaritas :) We danced and enjoyed a very nice evening together. I also brought my co-interns Ana-Sofia and Debby, and they had so much fun with my friends, so that's nice to see :) After, we all went to get some (delicious) pizza together, and after that we went to a little karaoke place somewhere in Koreatown with some of us. We sang some songs and had a really good time! On Friday, Anke and me had a day off and enjoyed it very much. First of all, we slept late without setting our alarm so that was a nice start of the day :) After, we took the subway to Soho and had brunch at one of my favorite places 'the Butcher's daughter'. We had a very nice smoothie and an egg- and avocado toast, sounds good right? It was pretty delicious :) After, we just walked around in Soho, one of my favorite parts of the city. We went in some shops and in the afternoon, we met with Mayté at the Flatiron building. The sun was shining so it was so nice to just sit and enjoy the weather for a moment. When we were walking to the subway and suddenly saw a little café called 'Bxl Zoute', we immediately knew it was a Belgian café. We had to go there and yes we did. We were sooo excited when we saw all the different Belgians beer on the menu. We enjoyed the best 'Kasteel rouge' of our lifes haha it tasted sooo good. We also got some 'bitterballen' but these didn't taste like our real ones :) But the 'Kasteel rouge' made up for that! After, we took the subway to City Hall, which is where the Brooklyn Bridge starts (or ends, it depends on the way you see it haha). We walked the bridge (it takes half an hour so that's okay) and stopped on the way to take some pictures, ofcourse :) Then we took the subway back home and enjoyed a nice meal. Today, on Saturday the weather was so bad. It was raining all day and I felt already back in Belgium because of that :) We just relaxed inside and I watched some netflix, while updating my polaroid book. In the evening, Mayté and I got some salad and watched some New Girl. And now I'm writing this blogpost while listening to 'Florence and the machine', because tomorrow we're going to their concert! Very excited for that :) During the day, it's gonna be shitty weather again so I don't know what the plans will be :) I guess we'll see and ofcourse you will read/see it in my next blogpost/on my Instagram.

Next week is my last workweek and I don't know how to feel about that. I have such amazing colleagues and I hope to keep being in touch with them when I'm back in Belgium. When I'll visit NY again in the future, I will definitely give some of them a call.

The time keeps flying by and I can't believe I'm already here for more then 4 months! Crazy right?

But don't worry Belgium, I'll be back in exactly 18 days!

Can't wait to see you guys back there in our little, cute (& sometimes shitty) country :)

xoxo E

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